The Shade Continent

Blood Princess

The Charnel Grounds

"Oh, God, your tongue is so big."
"All the better to eat you with, my dear."

The wolves want revenge.

As the last vampire princess, I must ascend before the Empusa moon rises, to take my rightful place as Queen of the Cardinal Kingdom. But the creatures of the Black Forest have other plans. Kidnapped and chained up in darkness, three wolves drag me out of their dungeon every night for their pleasure, holding me hostage, attempting to destroy the only chance I have to save my people. I will find a way to freedom and, when I do, not even the strongest wolf will be able to resist my power.

Blood Princess is a Red Riding Hood retelling, currently part of the Fairy Reloaded anthology series. This full version has four extra scenes not included in the anthology piece, as well as a more in-depth look at the lore and history of each of the countries within the Shade Continent.

This book is rated 18+ and is a dark romance not for the faint hearted. Tropes include noncon, blood play, fated mates, sexy wolves, a fiery lead female, and spicy scenes galore.

Prepare to step into a world where wolves and vampires are not the only creatures waiting in the dark.

Azure Nights

When love and loyalty collide, the bonds of love will be tested.

Engaged to the heir of the Cardinal Kingdom, Azure, siren prince of the Cerulean Shores, should only have one mission: to serve the Blood Princess. But, as a tool of King Cordovan, Azure has no choice but to play the games of the Carnelian Palace until his true allegiance can be known - his allegiance to his mate.

Jasper has served the women of the Cardinal line his entire life. Duty and honour are carved into his bones. He has vowed never to betray those he is loyal to. Until the Cerulean Prince arrives. One look in his eyes and Jasper knows he has been captured, but in the struggle for the throne, love is a curse, and Jasper's loyalty may not be enough to save them.

Azure Nights is Book 2 the Shades series, with events coming directly before and after Blood Princess. The series needs to be read in order.

This book focuses both on Jasper’s relationship with the Cerulean Prince, and Ruby's return to the Carnelian Palace after her ascension.

This is a MM romance with a siren x human relationship, set in a fairy tale world, containing explicit sex scenes and is recommended for readers 18+

The Charnel Grounds

If you’ve come searching for the content warnings, first of all, thank you!!

The main content warning I want to draw attention to is NECROPHILIA - this is sexual intercourse with or attraction to dead bodies.


This is a book about people dying from what is essentially a zombie virus. Aladdin is placed in a situation where he will be having sex with the dying/decaying body of his love interest. This is written in great detail. It is not sexualised.

My intention is to convey the heartbreak of not being able to save the one you love. There is no happy ending.

If this is something you know will upset or disgust you, don’t read it. You are a human being with free will and if you do read this and get triggered, this is on you. And don’t leave me a bad review because you either disagree or dislike the content. You’ve come here, so your interest has been piqued in some way. I’ll be putting a large content warning at the front of the book as well.


They were not named nesha when they were first birthed into creation.

Back then, we only knew them as creatures. At first, they were human. But one bite from another nesha and their minds disappeared, taken over by insatiable hunger, searching desperately for anything that could relieve them. Only when their voracious appetites consumed them would their flesh begin to rot, leaving empty bones, still animated, still hunting, and faster and more viscous than before.

It took one week for our city to fall, and only five years for it to be reclaimed by the desert.
Within a year the nesha had taken over the land, and now only small bands of djinn remain. Neighbouring nations fiercely guard their borders, while we scour the sands, searching for the nesha, hoping one day we might burn the last of them and finally rid the world of their evil.

To know the true story of the nesha, one must journey back to a time when the Ochre Sands were flush with life, its people blooming like precious flowers in the warm star-filled night.
Our country was filled with love and magic, hope and laughter, and our only struggles were with the shifting sands themselves.
There were more tribes than towns back then, nomads who roamed the desert, living free, following the ways of the wind.
They were fortunate. Some managed to escape the original hoards of nesha, while other tribes, with no news of what had befallen our towns, succumbed too easily to attacks.

We always believed that we were guided in this life. Our people honoured the old ways, the sacred rituals that gave thanks to the elements that protected and taught us.
Misfortune only came to those who went against nature herself.
And we had committed the greatest sin of all.

In our arrogance, we believed we could overcome the unbreakable laws of this world. Both human and djinn saw death as merely a challenge. We did not know what would emerge from our determination to surpass it, or how the nesha would destroy every fragment of our beautiful golden nation.

So, let me take you back. Back three hundred years, to the day the eight words that destroyed our country were first uttered, and sealed the fate of the Ochre Sands.